- Students will have 35 minutes to answer 30 questions.
- The challenge can not be paused and students can not skip questions.
- Student team members do not need to complete the challenge together.
- Students must complete the challenge without any outside assistance.
- Teams must consist of 3-4 students, and the team score will be the sum of the team's top three scores.
- The Adam Smith Division is intended for students who have completed or are enrolled in a two-semester or advanced economics course.
- The David Ricardo Division is intended for students enrolled in a one-semester or introductory economics course.
- The Middle School Division is intended for students enrolled in a middle school economics course.
Advancing to State Finals
Scoring: the sum of the top three individual scores on each team makes up the team score. Scoring on individual tests are as follows:
- +10 points for each correct answer
- -5 points for each incorrect answer
- 0 points for each unanswered question
The State Winners of the Ohio EconChallenge ONLINE will receive a notification once the competition has ended. In the event of a tie, the team with the lowest total time to complete the exams will be declared the winner. Only team scores are available for distribution.
The top teams in each division will be invited to the National Economics Challenge Finals.