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  • Students will have 35 minutes to answer 30 questions.
  • The challenge can not be paused and students can not skip questions.
  • Student team members do not need to complete the challenge together.
  • Students must complete the challenge without any outside assistance.
  • Teams must consist of 3-4 students, and the team score will be the sum of the team's top three scores.


  • The Adam Smith Division is intended for students who have completed or are enrolled in a two-semester or advanced economics course.
  • The David Ricardo Division is intended for students enrolled in a one-semester or introductory economics course.
  • The Middle School Division is intended for students enrolled in a middle school economics course.

Advancing to State Finals

  • Scoring: the sum of the top three individual scores on each team makes up the team score. Scoring on individual tests are as follows:

  • +10 points for each correct answer
  •  -5 points for each incorrect answer
  •   0 points for each unanswered question
  • The State Winners of the Ohio EconChallenge ONLINE will receive a notification once the competition has ended. In the event of a tie, the team with the lowest total time to complete the exams will be declared the winner. Only team scores are available for distribution.

  • The top teams in each division will be invited to the National Economics Challenge Finals.