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How it Works

In the Economics Challenge, high school students compete online in a series of tests on economic problems, theory, & current events to demonstrate their knowledge and critical-thinking abilities. The top teams being invited to the state competition to showcase their knowledge. 

Teams of 3-4 students in four divisions will complete an online exam that covers topics in macroeconomics, microeconomics, and international economics/current events.

All Minnesota high school students are eligible. Teachers can register as many teams as they like, with 3-4 students on each team. Note: All students on a team must be from the same school or club.  *Students enrolled in a PSEO Economics/Personal Finance class are not eligible to compete.

There is no financial cost to teachers or students to participate in the Economics Challenge, however, all teams will need to invest time and effort to prepare for the competition. Please connect with MCEE if your team needs help with transportation, hotel, etc. costs.

Note: There are some additional restrictions for teams with returning students or those competing in the Joan Robinson division. More information about these rules can be found by clicking here.

How it Works