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Welcome to the Wisconsin Council Information Page

As the world's economy becomes more complex, EconomicsWisconsin believes that it is vitally important that children - the leaders of tomorrow - gain a good understanding of basic economic principles.   But economic understanding and learning should not stop there.  EconomicsWisconsin feels that it is equally as important that adults have an understanding as well. Therefore we have put together many workshops and programs for Wisconsin teachers, journalists, elected officials, clergy, and non-profit agencies. 

Our Mission

Business and education coming together to provide resources to teach students financial literacy and economic understanding.
Our goals are to prepare Wisconsin's next generation to:

  • Understand how our economy works.
  • Make informed choices as employees, managers, consumers and citizens.
  • Become knowledgeable and productive members of the workforce.
  • Maintain the institutions of democracy and a market economy.
  • Make Wisconsin's businesses more competitive in today's global economy.



The Wisconsin Council on Economic Education was founded in 1963 as a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.

Over the years, EconomicsWisconsin has developed a network of Centers for Economic Education at institutions of higher learning across the state.  EconomicsWisconsin, along with its affiliated statewide Centers, provides professional development opportunities for the K-12 teachers, in addition to disseminating economic and personal finance curriculum, and promoting a variety of academic contests for elementary through high school students. More recently, EconomicsWisconsin has expanded their professional development opportunities to Wisconsin's opinion leaders including journalists, elected officials, clergy and non-profit professionals.

Program and Delivery

EconomicsWisconsin accomplishes our mission by developing and conducting K-12 teacher education programs. Our goal is to provide comprehensive economic education to educators, develop and distribute high quality economic curriculum materials; provide curricula, teaching exercises and student competitions that augment existing curricula and instructional objectives, and encourage and reinforce the efforts of education professionals to bring economic understanding to the youth of Wisconsin. In addition, we develop and support educational programs aimed at Wisconsin's opinion leaders and other targeted groups. EconomicsWisconsin develops and advocated the use of measurable outcomes to indicate program effectiveness.