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How it Works

Welcome to the EconChallenge ONLINE!

Add Some Excitement

Every year the State Council's on Economic Education, with support from the National Council on Economic Education, host the Economics Challenge Program.

The Challenge is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of Economic Literacy by competing with other students across the state in written and "Quiz Bowl" examinations.

Student participants receive certificates of recognition, awards and accolades.

Every state in the nation has the opportunity to hold a preliminary first round of the Challenge online. Teachers and Students throughout the State can participate regardless of travel or budgetary constraints. In the first round each team of up to five students in two divisions complete online exams that cover topics in macro, micro and international economics.

Download the Brochure.

Many states use the results from round one to invite the top ten teams in each division to the State Finals.

Division Eligibility

All high school students are eligible. No formal courses in economics are required. Any team of students interested in economics is encouraged to compete. Schools may enter multiple teams in their qualifying divisions.


The "Adam Smith" Division is restricted to students enrolled in courses labeled AP, IB, honors, differentiated, or college level. Any economics course offered as a two-semester course also falls in this division.

The "David Ricardo" Division is restricted to students enrolled in one-semester or less high school course not labeled as AP, IB, honors, differentiated, or college level.

Eligibility rules for the NCEE/Goldman Sachs Economics Challenge competition can be reviewed at:

Support your Council

There is no cost to either teachers or students to participate in the EconChallenge ONLINE!

Many states offer travel and lodging stipends to the top ten teams in each division that are invited to the State Finals.


Registration for the EconChallenge ONLINE! begins on January 1st, 2018. Once registered, teachers will be able to create their student teams.

Online competition dates for each participating state can be found on the "State Info" menu item to the left. Once it begins, students from around the country will be able to demonstrate their economic literacy through an online rapid fire exam.