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How it Works

Welcome to the California State Competition of the National Economics Challenge!


The California Council on Economic Education's National Economics Challenge is a great way for students to flex their intellectual muscle and test their economic content knowledge. Sponsored by the Council for Economic Education, the Challenge encourages students to apply their economics knowledge by competing with other students from across the state.

In 2025, there will be two divisions for high school students and one division for middle school students in the  National Economics Challenge. All high school and middle school students are eligible to participate in their respective divisions. 

Teachers and students throughout California will be able to participate regardless of travel or budgetary constraints. All competitions associated with the National Economics Challenge for California students will take place in virtual, real-time environments.

Each team will complete online exams that cover topics in microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics and current events for a chance to participate in the Statwide Finals by division. State Final winners will face other winners from nearby state in the National Semifinals with the potential to compete in the National Finals. 

There is no cost to either teachers or students to participate in the National Economics Challenge competition.  



Any team of students interested in economics is encouraged to compete and schools may enter multiple teams. All members of a team must be enrolled for high school credit at some time during the 2024-2025 academic year. See complete 2025 National Economic Challenge Rules and rules by clicking here


Division Eligibility

All high school students are eligible. No formal courses in economics are required.  Any team of students interested in economics is encouraged to compete. Schools may enter multiple teams in their qualifying divisions.



The "Adam Smith" Division is restricted to students enrolled in courses labeled AP, IB, honors, differentiated, or college level. Any economics course as a two-semester course also falls in this division.

The "David Ricardo" Division is restricted to students enrolled in one-semester or less high school course not labeled as AP, IB, honors, differentiated, or college level. If a student previously competed in the National Economics Challenge in the David Ricardo Division, they must compete in the Adam Smith Division.

Middle school students will compete in the "Middle School" division. 

Students do not have to have taken or currently be in an economics course in order to participate.

The decision regarding the best division for a team is ultimately the choice of the teacher/coach; however, teams are encouraged to compete in the division that would challenge them the most.

There is no cost to either teachers or students to participate in the EconChallenge ONLINE!



Your team's journey to the National Championship starts by clicking here for registration.


FALL 2024 Session October 7-18 

  • Registration Opens: September 1st  Teachers can sign up for the competition and register their teams of students.
  • October 7-18 : Let the games begin! Teams can take the online preliminary test appropriate to their division
  1. David Ricardo beginner 
  2. Adam Smith advanced 
  3. Middle School


Spring 2025 Session March 3-14

  • Registration Opens: September 1st  Teachers can sign up for the competition and register their teams of students.
  • Registration Closes March 13
  • March 3-14 (2025) : Let the games begin! Teams can take the online preliminary test appropriate to their division
  1. David Ricardo beginner 
  2. Adam Smith advanced 
  3. Middle School
  • March 19, 2025 :  State Finalist teams for each division are notified by email by 6pm. Top scoring teams from BOTH the FALL and SPRING preliminaries will be advancing to the state finals. Criteria for advancement are: (1) scores from highest to lowest (2) up to 1 team per registered teacher per school (3) per division, subject to event capacity constraints (usually 20 teams total per site).
  • April 1, 2025  - Northern CA State Final  The top scoring teams for the David Ricardo division and the Adam Smith division that are in northern CA will compete. This competition is expected to be held at the CSU East Bay Oakland Center.
  • April 8, 2025  - Southern CA State Final  The top scoring teams for the David Ricardo division and the Adam Smith division that are in southern CA will compete. This competition is expected to be held at the Los Angeles branch location of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
  • CCEE announces teams advancing to National Semi-Finals 
  • National Semi-finals Each team who advances from state competition completes a online proctored exam to be held on April 21-24, 2025.
  • CEE announces team advancing to finals May 2025
  • May 28th-30th 2025: National Finals Top teams from the National semifinals will compete in person finals hosted by the National Council for Economic Education in Atlanta, Georgia. 

For more information, please visit our dates and times page.


Deadline for registration and test completion is 5PM on March 15!